Why is life so easy for some people and so difficult for others? This is a philosophical question but I put this in Religious Debates because the "reason" life is difficult for some and easy for others is related to God, since God predestines everything that happens to us and we really have no control over what God does. That belief is based upon this passage:
"O thou who art the fruit of My Tree and the leaf thereof! On thee be My glory and My mercy. Let not thine heart grieve over what hath befallen thee. Wert thou to scan the pages of the Book of Life, thou wouldst, most certainly, discover that which would dissipate thy sorrows and dissolve thine anguish. Know thou, O fruit of My Tree, that the decrees of the Sovereign Ordainer, as related to fate and predestination, are of two kinds. Both are to be obeyed and accepted. The one is irrevocable, the other is, as termed by men, impending. To the former all must unreservedly submit, inasmuch as it is fixed and settled. God, however, is able to alter or repeal it. As the harm that must result from such a change will be greater than if the decree had remained unaltered, all, therefore, should willingly acquiesce in what God hath willed and confidently abide by the same.
The decree that is impending, however, is such that prayer and entreaty can succeed in averting it.
God grant that thou who art the fruit of My Tree, and they that are associated with thee, may be shielded from its evil consequences." Gleanings From the Writings of Bahá'u'lláh, pp. 132-133
I am not sure exactly what Baha'u'llah means in that first paragraph. Maybe it means that if we knew the end result of all we have to endure in this earthly life that would dispel our sorrows and anguish. Even though our fate is predestined, some of that fate is subject to change since it is impending. We can pray and supplicate to God or we can make choices that could change our course, since an omnipotent God can do anything he chooses to do.
That brings me to the subject of free will. I believe we can make choices, since we have free will. This is a difficult subject. In short, we are not robotically controlled by God. We are causing things to happen by making a choice and then acting on it. We are doing what God knows we will do by virtue of our own free will. Our free will (what we can choose) has constraints but that is a separate issue.
In brief, we do not have any choice except to do what God knows we will do because what God knows what we will do is identical with what we will do. God knows what we will do because God is omniscient, but God does not cause it to happen, we do. Thus we play out our own script according to what God already knows we will do. God knows how the script will play out before it plays out because God is omniscient.
Now back to my subject: Clearly, life is a lot easier for some people than for other people. Let's just look at people within a given county such as the United States within a given socioeconomic group, because to start comparing to a third world country is not a fair comparison since conditions are so different for those people. Why then is it that most people I am surrounded by at work seem to be happy all the time? Do they not have any problems in life or do they just handle those problems differently?
I do not think we will ever know why life is easier for some people than for others, but I think the following factors play into the answer: childhood upbringing, heredity, opportunities, education, adult experiences, and present life circumstances. Some of these factors we have no control over but some of these we have some control over.
A Baha'i belief is that tests and difficulties are sent by God and we should thank God for them because they help us grow spiritually. There is a question as to whether God actually sends them or they are just a part of life. I am not going to say I am grateful for the tests because I believe I have had more than my share, and they are not things I bring on by being careless in my free will choices. Yesterday at the limit of my ability to handle one more thing and I was riding my bike home from work in the bike lane. For a moment I hoped the city bus would run over me and it would be quick and I would be in the spiritual world, because I know that the material world is the source of all my torment. The spiritual world bestows only joy.
Then I thought of my husband and my 10 cats that need me and realized that dying is not the solution. I think that other people who are good are the solution. Sure we have to handle our own tests and make our own decisions, but when I am in these tests, good people just pop out of the woodwork to help me. It is as if God is sending them to me and they are the answer to my desperate prayers.
Another Baha'i belief is that God never tests us beyond our ability to handle that test so whatever we are going through is theoretically something we can handle. In retrospect, I guess I have to agree with that, and over time I have realized it more and more. For example, what I am going through now with a tenant is much more serious than what I have gone through in the past, which was also very difficult, but I am not in as much distress now as I was with previous tenants who tried to take advantage of me, lie and manipulate. I have a sense that good will prevail over evil but right now I have no way to know what will happen, although I will have a better idea on Monday when I speak with my attorney.
I think that one reason God allows evil people to exist is so good people will be tested and they will grow spiritually as a result. That does not mean all people will grow, some people just remain in the victim stance and blame the evil person forever. Right now I blame the evil tenant for what he is trying to do but concurrently I can see the bigger picture and how I got into this mess, by trusting someone who was a con-man. I feel rather foolish but I know it is not my fault that someone else chooses to be a liar and a manipulator. Not many landlords would rent their house to a sex offender with two offenses against minors. I wanted to see the good in him and give him a chance but obviously I made a mistake. However, that does not make me the evil person. I did nothing to deserve what he is trying to do to me now. He is just evil. I tend to blame myself for everything so in the past I would feel like it is my fault, but now I have good people are telling me it is not my fault. If I had any part in what he is blaming me for I will take the responsibility, but not until an attorney tells me I had a part.
Another reason God allows evil to exist is to bring out the good people and so that people like me can see that there are indeed many good people in the world. In between good and evil people there are of course people who are just complacent about other peoples' problems and do not want to be bothered with them.
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