Funny Rumors to Start at School

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35 Answers

EmpressPixie's avatar

One that is undeniably ridiculous and false so that no one believes it and you don't hurt the people in question.

boxing's avatar

gay and lesbian?

susanc's avatar

that they're right for each other? share the same disease?

berocky1's avatar

no. like real examples of good rumors to spread.

goldmine178's avatar

never just one more like three in one 1.a snitch i.e. copcaller 2. A closet CRACK smoker and top it off with Gender profiling 3. small penis or visaversa large vagina

Comedian's avatar

um….berocky….are you serious? No offensive but this is the worst question I've ever seen. You actually WANT to spread a rumor about someone? that is just awful.

iwamoto's avatar

"hey did you know berocky1 is trying to spread nasty rumors about you ?" "he is? oh he is such a creep!"

Mtl_zack's avatar

something involving a rabbit, a lightbulb and a potato.

Comedian's avatar

Come on people stop encouraging him

berocky1's avatar

to everyone here. this is an important question, i don't want to spread a rumor about anyone. I'm just doing something really important. i don't spread rumors.

Comedian's avatar

This question makes no sense then. Why would you want to know good rumors if you don't even want to spread them?

berocky1's avatar

@comedian. me and my sister doing a joint project on social mishaps.

Comedian's avatar

and your topic is rumors?

berocky1's avatar

yes. well. that and awkward social situations.

Comedian's avatar

what class?

berocky1's avatar

home schooled

Comedian's avatar

hmmm….I know people who are home schooled and they don't have to do that stuff

berocky1's avatar

oh. it's just a phsycologic thing that my mom wants us to learn or whatever. don't ask me. and i decided to tap the collective

Comedian's avatar


asmonet's avatar

That they're good people.

cdwccrn's avatar

that you frequently see them doing random acts of kindness

augustlan's avatar

None at all. Ever.

La_chica_gomela's avatar

did your mom also assign you to learn how to spell the word "psychological" or is that next week's topic, right after you find out the best to give someone an STD?

Cardinal's avatar

Maybe that you look good with blue hair. Where does a rumor end and a lie begin?

deaddolly's avatar

Think it's time to give up on this one.

loser's avatar

Why would you want to do that? How would you feel if someone spread a false rumor about you?

cheebdragon's avatar

don't be lame…

berocky1's avatar


iwamoto's avatar


Comedian's avatar

@berocky: apparently.

EmpressPixie's avatar

@berocky: No, we didn't misunderstand the question. We chose not to answer it in the style which you approved of and we did so because none of us approved of the question. We, as a collective, felt that there was no appropriate use for the "true answers" regardless of what you said you needed them for. You should use this experience in your learning because it has become, on it's own, an awkward social situation for you.

Instead of getting a few answers, on the whole something you said was deemed inappropriate by a number of people in the online society. You tried to justify it, but at least a few people felt it was still inappropriate, thus creating a specific social situation that I, at least, would find awkward because your user name is forever associated with this question. You are forever associated with this question, your defense of this question, and the way that people did not accept that defense. Instead of letting it go, you lashed out angrily—something many people do when they find themselves in just the kind of situation you are researching.

So in the end, while we may not have answered your question, the experience of having posted this question, the ensuing discussion, and the result of it all show you what happens in the process of an awkward situation. Or in simpler terms, the "rumor" was started "berocky1 posted an inappropriate question" by the posting showing up on the first page of Fluther. The reactions, ours and yours, show how this group would deal with rumors, and how you, yourself deal with a social situation that has gotten out of control.

Though not what you hoped for, it may be exactly what you needed. I would say that instead of having failed you as a collective, we've become theater to teach you. But that would be my take on things.

augustlan's avatar

@Empress: Bravo!

Comedian's avatar


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